This is the portal for the Mallary Archive and Mallary Media.

Mallary Archive is a collection of art, photographs, writing, and ephemera from the early, middle, and late career of Robert Mallary (1917–1997). A majority of the artwork from Mallary’s studio was kept intact by his family following his death. After being stored in several locations it was rediscovered in 2021 and obtained in a private purchase. As one of the first American artists to work with a computer, and teach a course on Computer Graphics at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Mallary is a key figure in pre-digital, digital, and generative art.

In the spirit of his exploration of cybernetics and the role of the artist in the age of the computer, the goal of the Mallary Archive is to share this collection to the public for the first time, allowing them to interact with the largest collection of “plotter” drawings coded with an IBM-1130, in addition to other experimentations and more traditional work. This archive aims to reinvent the repository by allowing for provenance while breaking from the confines of current institutional norms. The development of the archive will be an ongoing process as the art is cataloged and posted. 

Mallary Media is an ongoing project to document and reinvent the work of Mallary in editions, film, print media, commissioned art, lectures, and other formats. The utilization of Web3 allows for a distribution model for Mallary Projects, both at low-cost and fine art levels of fundraising, that establishes ownership on the blockchain while making this original content accessible to everyone. To date, Mallary Media has published the first book about Robert Mallary, Computing Art. And has released a short film on Mallary’s sculpture QUAD II (1968), Recreating Mallary, in conjunction with its exhibit at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn, NY on July 9, 2023.

This website will continually be updated as the archive is processed and more media projects are developed.
© 2023